Program Description

Mississippi County Child Development Center is an early intervention day treatment clinic. We serve
children with developmental disabilities, developmental delays, and some medical conditions. Early
intervention day treatment includes without limitation diagnostic screening, evaluation for habilitative
services including speech, occupational and physical therapies, and any medical or remedial services
recommended by a physician for the maximum reduction of physical or mental disability and restoration
of the child to the best possible functional level. Early Intervention day treatment is available year-
round to children aged 0-6.

All EIDT clinics must meet all child care licensing rules, as well as all health and safety requirements, as
applicable under local, state, and federal laws, rules and regulations.

Enrollment Process (Required – Medicaid A)

Step 1. A developmental screening is performed on the patient by DHS’ Third party assessor, Optum.
The results from this screening determines whether you move further in the enrollment process.
A “pass” result means services are not needed
A “refer” result means further services may be needed (If you receive this result we can move to step 2)

Step 2. We send screening results to your child’s doctor for review, then they must sign a referral if they
approve further evaluations.

Step 3. Intake Day – Once we have a signed referral from the patient’s doctor we schedule testing for all
therapies which include Physical, occupational, speech, and Developmental.
We provide the results the same day, and you have to qualify for DT and 1 other therapy.

We try to schedule intake days for every Wednesday. We will work with you if another day works
better. If the patient qualifies for the program we try to start them on the next Monday if space is

MCCDC is currently using Arkansas Child Development and Early Learning Standards for our curriculum.
That is subject to change.

Please see Alisha Miller or Mary Vornes our Curriculum Coordinators for all questions pertaining to curriculum.